One thing I love about the summer is
reading. Pleasure reading--getting to the books that I've been dying to read.
During the school year, I start off with good reading intentions. My reading
time wanes from reading a little every night to not reading at all for weeks.
In the summer, I can read to my heart's desire. It is so exciting for me to be
able to just pick up a book whenever I feel like it and dive in.
This year I gave myself a reading
goal on Good Reads. My goal is 40 books read in 2015. I think this is a doable
goal. I am a few books behind, according to Good Reads, but I always read a lot
more in one month during the summer than I do during the school year.
I also joined my friend Stephanie @owl_on_the_shelf for a reading challenge she started. It's the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge based on the 339 books Rory was seen reading during the Glimore Girls run. I have read more books on the list than I thought, but there are still so many to read! Many of them are classics that I just haven't gotten around to reading, so I'm excited to add some of these to my list. I plan of reading these two first:
I also joined my friend Stephanie @owl_on_the_shelf for a reading challenge she started. It's the Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge based on the 339 books Rory was seen reading during the Glimore Girls run. I have read more books on the list than I thought, but there are still so many to read! Many of them are classics that I just haven't gotten around to reading, so I'm excited to add some of these to my list. I plan of reading these two first:

If you want to check out the books in the Rory Gilmore challenge, click here. There's a list where you can check off books you have read from the challenge.
Here are some highlights from my reading during 2015:
Currently Reading

Books I've Finished this Summer

Books I've Read So Far for My Reading Challenge (before summer):
6. My Name is Not Angelica by Scott O'Dell
7. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by: Marie Condo
8. Smile by Raina Telemeier
9. The Color of My Words by: Lynn Joseph
10. Dead to The World (iZombie #1) by Chris Roberston
11. I Was Here by Gale Forman
12. Brown Girl Dreaming by: Jacqueline Woodson
13. Legend by: Marie Lu
14. Still Alice by: Lisa Genova
15. Mockingbird by: Katherine Erskine
16. Pictures of Hollis Woods by: Patricia Reilly Giff
I think I'm doing pretty well so far!
What are you currently reading? Any books you've loved reading recently?
Love and happiness <3 Holly